I am a second-year PhD Student in the
School of Computing
at the National University of Singapore. I am a part of
advised by
Angela Yao
and closely collaborating with
Fadime Sener. My graduate
research is supported by the
President's Graduate
I completed my bachelor's in Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering (ECE) from
Jadavpur University
where I worked with
Sanjoy Kumar
Ananda S. Chowdhury. My bachelor's thesis
was on
Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
in the Wild.
Broadly, I am interested in understanding and emulating
how humans perceive the 4D (3D+time) world. To this end,
my current research revolves around the intersection of
semantic understanding (recognition, anticipation, Q&A)
of long-range (>30s) videos and 3D understanding of
human-object interactions with a particular focus on
open-world generalization.